Professor Emeritus of Art and Art History, 2017–. B.A., Carleton College Ph.D., Cornell University.Ĭhasson, R. Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, 2010–. B.A., Swarthmore College M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.Ĭaulkins, D. Breid-McFarland Professor of Science, 2006– Professor of Physics, 1992–. B.A., M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D., University of California-San Diego.Ĭadmus, Robert R. Professor Emerita of History, 2006– Professor of History, 2004–. B.S., Iowa State University M.A., University of Iowa.īrown, Victoria B. Associate Professor Emerita, Library, 2016–. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York-Albany.īonath, Gail J. B.S.Ed., Southwest Missouri State College M.Ed., Ed.D., University of Missouri-Columbia.īarber, Sigmund J. B.A., Columbia University M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University.Ītwell, Roberta (1973). Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Statistics, 2009–. 49-70.In the following listings, the first date, in parentheses, indicates initial appointment to the College the second date indicates appointment to the latest rank. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, pp. Charter Schools Must Be Publicly Regulated. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.Īllen, A. In Wayne Hoy & Michael DiPaola (Eds.) Improving Schools: Studies in Leadership and Culture. Schools, communities, and local newspapers: New questions to examine. Prufrock Press.Īllen, A., & Robinson, D.V. In Grantham, T., Frazier Trotman Scott, M., & Harmon, D. Two Gifted African American Brothers Achieving in Spite of the Odds. (Eds.), African American Males in PreK-12 schools: Informing Research, Practice, and Policy. Chutes and ladders: Young African American males navigating potholes to climb to success.
Journal of Family Diversity in Education. Navigating the parent involvement terrain – The engagement of high poverty parents in a rural school district. Critical Issues in Teacher Education, 24(1), 80–98. Mentoring non-traditionally prepared teachers: A focus on the literature. Journal for Multicultural Education, 11(1), 2–18. Collaborative partnerships between parents and educational leaders: Reversing the school and home divide. Journal of School and Public Relations, 37(37), 203-226. Embracing Family Diversity through Transformative Educational Leadership, the Ethics of Care, and Community Uplift in Schools. Cain (Eds.) Principled Resistance: How Teachers Resolve Ethical Dilemmas ( pp187-202). Teaching and leading as a principled act. De facto desegregation in the urban north: Voices of African American teachers and principals on employment, students, and community in Columbus, Ohio, 1940 to 1980. Making student achievement a priority: The role of school counselors in turnaround schools. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Henefield (Eds.), Creating and sustaining effective K-12 school partnerships: Firsthand accounts of promising practices. Lending a hand to support successful trajectories of Black students. Research, Engagement, and Outreach interests: School and Community Partnerships and Community Engagement Education Policy and Advocacy Educational Experiences of Underrepresented and Marginalized Groups. She also serves as the program coordinator for the online Education Public Policy Leadership Certificate, which is offered in partnership with the Voinovich School for Leadership and Public Affairs. Her research interests include educational leadership, education policy, school and community relations, the experiences of marginalized groups in education, and social justice in education. Robinson teaches a dissertation preparation and research seminar for doctoral students. Robinson teaches doctoral and master’s courses in leadership, educational leadership, educational policy and politics, and school and community relations. Prior to joining the faculty at Ohio University, she served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Michigan State University where she was involved in a Skillman Foundation grant with the Education Outreach Office to improve educational outcomes in Detroit, MI. in Educational Administration from The Ohio State University. in Public Policy from the University of Chicago and has earned a Ph.D. in Government from Oberlin College, a M.A. Dwan Robinson, an Associate Professor in Educational Administration, holds a B.A.